September 29, 2017 - 2:14pm --

Get the Dirt on Your Soil – Soil Test This Fall!

Are you disappointed in your garden’s performance? Does your lawn lack vigor? Do your landscape plants appear pale or yellow? Soil testing can help you get to the root of the problem.

Poor growth, discolored leaves, excessive shedding of older leaves, reduced flowering, and poor flavor in vegetables can be caused by nutrient deficiencies due to improper pH or lack of fertilization. If you have observed these symptoms on plants in your yard, soil testing can help you determine if low nutrients or pH issues are the cause.

For more information on taking a soil samples for lawns, landscapes and gardens read our fact sheet at

The OSU Extension Scioto County office can assist you by providing soil testing services. Bags, forms and instructions for soil testing are available from the Extension office. Just bring in 1 cup of your dried soil to be sampled and we will deliver the completed samples to the soil testing lab. Once the lab receives the samples results are emailed within 48 hours in most cases. Lawn and garden soil testing is $20 per sample. The Extension office is located in the basement of the Scioto county Courthouse, 602 7th St #7, Portsmouth, OH 45662. You can call us at (740) 354-7879 for more information on our soil testing services, questions or directions.