2023 OSU Extension Scioto County has developed a online video for Volunteers to be trained on Keeping Youth Safe. It is MANDATORY for all Volunteers/Advisors to attend this training annually.

Volunteers who were unable to attend the in person or virtual volunteer trainings that were conducted earlier this year have the opportunity to complete this training by watching a video in the link below and completing a 5-question survey (link provided in the video). 

Ohio State University Extension and Ohio 4-H is committed to providing the best experience possible for minors and volunteers.  The Activities and Programs with Minor Participants Policy establishes requirements for those who work in activities and programs with minors, with the goal of safeguarding the wellbeing of minors.  This policy states that individuals working in activities and programs with minors complete annual training on Recognizing Signs of Child Abuse.

For further details please refer to the OSU Policy 1.50, Activities and Programs with Minor Participants.

To watch the video click here.